We’ve updated our Terms


We have updated our Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy.

We take security and privacy very seriously, therefore, we elaborated on your rights and our liabilities when using our Services, as well as clarified how your personal data is processed and protected. Here is a short version of what has changed:

  • We have updated our company’s registration address to Paupio str. 50-136, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • We have added general explanations of how confidential data is treated in our relationship of parties.
  • We have elaborated on the reselling prohibition with an exception for our partners.
  • We have included clauses allowing the termination of the relationship if the sanctions are applied to the customer.
  • We have clarified the clause where we explain how pricing might be changed.
  • We have introduced an Unused Account Removal policy, which means that with prior notification, we will remove abandoned Free accounts from our systems if they have not been accessed for two consecutive years.
  • We have explained our practices regarding personal data processing activities, including cookies, and added examples of processed data types, including targeted advertising with your consent.
  • We have explained how we exchange the data with our affiliates.
  • We have elaborated on data retention periods and data subject rights.
  • To ensure security, we ask you to ensure the ENISA-recommended level of security in the systems where you integrate our Services.

Please visit our Compliance page to review the updated Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy that will take effect from 05 28 2023.

Please also note that we have changed the name of the Business plan in the Latvian language. This change does not have any other effects on the obligations of the parties.

What has not changed:

  • We continue to work under the law of the Republic of Lithuania and comply with the strictest requirements of eIDAS, GDPR, and other regulations.
  • We continue to process your data in accordance with the highest standards of personal data and IT security.
  • Your Customer data continues to be processed within the European Economic Area.
  • We ensure our information security management system is implemented according to the ISO/IEC 27001 standard.
  • Our ISMS is audited every year and certified by an accredited auditor.

We encourage you to review the updated Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and Privacy Policy, and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Note: please note that these changes apply to you if you are using our Services under our standard agreement. If we have different or additional contractual obligations, some of the changes might not apply.